Festive Foods

Mince Pies with Orange zest Shortcrust Pastry

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Preparations have begun, the Christmas tree is finally up, Presents are wrapped and placed under the tree, food shopping list made (item no.1 Turkey) and yesterday, decided to make the batch of mince pies with, Marsala Mincemeat filling  , a filling I had prepared, 3 weeks ago. Opening the jar and having a a little taste, and I can give myself a thumbs up, it has marinated nicely.

Marsala Mincemeat with Preserved Ginger Spice

For the pastry, egg can be used to bind the dough, instead I have used freshly squeezed orange juice, making sure not to over knead, then quickly wrapping the dough in kitchen film and allowing it to rest a while in the fridge.


Roll out the dough, to a thickness of half a centimetre with cookie cutter, placing the discs in a well greased swallow cup cake tray. Spoon a little Mincemeat (do not fill to the top, as the filling will expand when cooked) into each pastry case. Roll left over dough again and cut star shapes to cover the filling.


Allow to bake gently, keeping an eye, so they do not brown too quickly, these pies should colour, but only very slightly. Remove from the oven and allow to cool in the tray for 15minutes, before removing onto a cooling rack. Cool completely, before storing in an air tight container.


These pies will keep for 2 weeks, but I doubt if these pies will last that long in my house. I have enough filling for another tray, and made another batch of mincemeat as a back up. Isn’t it strange, no one ever says no to a Homemade Mince pies.


Hope you get a chance to make homemade Mince pies too, before the festive Holidays set upon us.

Happy Holidays and Enjoy x


[recipe title=”Orange Zest Shortcrust Pastry” servings=”12″ time=”1hr” difficulty=”easy” image=”https://rekhagardenkitchen.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/fullsizeoutput_4e45.jpg” description=”Light fluffy pastry with a natural sweet orange flavouring.”]
– 100g Cubed Butter
– 150g Plain Flour
– 50g Sugar
– 1tsp zest of an orange
– fresh orange juice to bind
[/recipe-ingredients] [recipe-directions]
1. Sift flour in a bowl and rub in the butter, until breadcrumb texture is formed
2. Stir in Sugar and orange zest
3. Use little orange juice at a time to bind until dough comes together. Do not knead.
4. Wrap dough with Kitchen Film and allow to rest in fridge for 10mins
5. Roll out onto a floured board to a thickness of 0.5cm and use a 11cm Cutter to make the disks.
6. Gently place in cup cake trays and fill with Marsala Mincemeat
7. Bake in a preheated oven of 180˙C for 15mins, until golden brown.
8. Remove onto a cooling rack, once cooled sprinkle with Icing Sugar.
9. Will keep for 2 weeks in an air tight container.

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