Seasonal Preserves

Seville Marmalade (1)

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My month of January simply says to me “it’s marmalade making time”.

Not just any marmalade but Seville Orange Marmalade.

I wait all year for these pectin rich, sour fruits to appear in our marketsSeveral years ago I researched if I could purchase organically grown Seville oranges and to my joy, found online, Ave María Farm, supplies to UK. 

Many independent Fruit Shops sell these organic oranges as well as Waitrose supermarket, which is where I purchased my Seville oranges from this year.

If you wish to have a go at making Seville marmalade, the fruit is still available, but not for too long.They are only available at this time of the year and not an all year round fruit.

Here is my recipe. Please note this is a 24 hour process. (In the past I have soaked the shred for 48 hours , which  helps shorten the jam setting time).

Seville Orange Marmalade Recipe

1kg  Organic Seville Oranges
2kg  Granulated Sugar
2ltr  Water
2     Lemons

You will also need:
Large ‘non reactive’ bowl
Muslin cloth
Jam Pan or a good size heavy bottom pan
Jam Funnel
2-3  saucers
5-6  clean sterilised Jam Jars 
Jam/confectionary Thermometer

Ave María Farm Organic Seville Oranges


 Seville Orange has a thick layer of pith
  • Wash all the fruit and cut in halves.
  • Squeeze out the juice from all the fruit and place in the bowl.
  • Lay the muslin cloth in a large plate and with a small spoon scrape out from all the fruit, taking as much of the pulp and the pectin rich pith out as possible and place in the cloth. Carefully tie up the muslin cloth securely and place in the bowl with the juice.
  • Shred the orange shells keeping the shred size consistent.


  • Add the cut shred to the bowl.
  • Pour in the water and place bowl in the fridge or a cool dark place overnight.


24hr Steeping
  • after the 24hr transfer all the contents of the bowl into your jam pan and bring to boil. Once it starts boiling, turn the heat to gentle simmer for 30-45 minutes.
  • Take a little shred out and squeeze it between your thumb and forefinger, if it crushes completely and easily, your liquid is ready for the next stage. if not allow to simmer a little longer until shred is soft enough. 
  • NOTE: do not rush the above stage because once sugar is added the shred does not soften. Thinner the shred quicker the softness is achieved.
  • Remove the muslin parcel into the colander, catching any liquid from this parcel by placing a bowl over the muslin parcel and squeezing out as much pectin out of this parcel as possible, returning this liquid back into the pan and discarding the contents from the muslin parcel.
  • Whilst the above process is in progress you may wish to do this next step. It is not necessary, but I find it helps dissolve the sugar faster:
    • Gently heat the sugar in the oven spread evenly in an oven tray at 70 degrees centigrade, stirring gently every now and again.
  • Now carefully measure the cooked ‘shred liquid’ (water only) if the amount is not what you started with, add the difference so you have equal amount of sugar to water.
  • Place the saucers in the FREEZER.
  • Add the sugar to the pan, attach the thermometer, start of on a gentle heat until all the sugar is dissolved.


Allow to simmer before turning the heat up

  • Turn the heat up and bring to a gentle boil.
  • Stir the mixture every now and again, keep an eye, as this mixture may boil over!
  • Watch the thermometer and once it reaches the ‘Jam set mark’ (105 degree centigrade); take a saucer out from the freezer and place some liquid, allow to cool for a couple of minutes and test for the ‘crinkle’. If it crinkles leaving no liquid behind its ready to bottle, if not, allow to boil for another 5 minutes, repeat the test on another clean cold saucer until setting point is achieved.



Crinkle test


  • Pour into heated sterilised jars and seal with the lids.
  • Allow to cool and set before storing.



Ready for Breakfast mornings

Enjoy your homemade organic Seville Orange Marmalade.

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