June: Brassica Are In

So this year, started the seeds in May, potted on mid May and only this week the plants have been planted out.
Forked in a little own made organic compost, firmed the soil by ‘walking the plank’, and planting out with spacings of 18″. May look odd, firming the soil and giving large spacings, but these are over winter plants need to withstand the harsh winter elements therefore best anchored in now and firming also help deter, somewhat, the cabbage root fly from laying its eggs in the freshly dug soil. The spacing gives these plants room to grow from now until next Spring.

This year I am trialling Straw in place of Cabbage collar, I shall post later in the year if I have been successful, to keep the Root fly and slugs away.
On 12th May, I received cuttings of Taunton Deane ‘perennial’ Kale, from a fellow gardener Jenny Thompson. I am so pleased, this Kale has successfully rooted, Last week, I noticed small roots at the end of all the twigs. A decision was made and planted 2 of the 3 outdoors. 1 has been brought home to the back garden and planted up in a large pot, under supervision, naturally ?.
Perennial Kale, or Cottagers Kale was a common plant in Cottage Gardens, until the Victorian era. On research this variety can withstand a good degree of pest attack too. I look forward to see how my plants performs.
Another must have on my plot is the Asturian Tree Cabbage, which grows like Cabbage, harvested and used like Kale. Over last winter the netting was removed and even the birds didn’t come near it, let alone the slugs. Even the weather conditions didn’t stop it from growing and producing leaves.
Have you got your Brassica planted out? Which varieties are you growing this year? Do you grow perennial vegetables?
Have a lovely weekend and happy gardening ??,