
Rosemary Caraway Shortbread Thins

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this one recipe

Fresh, own grown, herbs always make an appearance in my savoury cooks. Ask me if I have ever used herbs in sweet dishes and I will give you a horrified answer. The other day, whilst harvesting some of my perennial herbs for drying out and storing (before these herb plants put on flowers), I decided to do just that, give one of my herbs a starring role in a Sweet Bake.

this one

Rosemary is one of my favourite herbs, I only dry a small amount of this herb, as its an evergreen Herb, so I can harvest some fresh in the winter too, and use it. I tend to dry Rosemary, to make a jar or two of dried mixed herbs. One by one I shall keep adding bunches of Herbs to my drying pole in the Kitchen. fullsizeoutput_63ac

For now, and for this recipe, I have used the younger, new shoots of the Rosemary to give my Shortbread Thins a delicate taste. In my first trial batch of Biscuits, I used the ‘older’ leaves from the woodier branches. Personally found them to be too strong a taste for this recipe. To this added a small amount of Caraway seeds and a little zest of Lime, to balance the 2 herbs.fullsizeoutput_6331

As for the Shortbread recipe, I have used the traditional 2,4,6 method. That’s 2 ounces of Sugar; 4 of Sugar and 6 of Flour. In the recipe below I have converted the imperial weight measurements to metric.

Step by step, form the dough ball, allow to chill and roll out before cutting into desired shapes. Bake for just under 15 minutes. Remove Shortbreads onto cooling rack and drizzle the lime icing, with a scattering of a few Rosemary leaves for decoration.(you can leave the last part out, if you do not wish to bite a fresh herb).

These shortbread thins tasted so good, now I look forward to making other combinations. Next time maybe use flowers?

Any suggestions?


[recipe title=”Rosemary Caraway Shortbread Thins” servings=”25-30 biscuits” time=”less than 1hour” difficulty=”easy” image=”” description=”A traditional Shortbread recipe with a modern twist.”][recipe-ingredients]
– 56g approx (2oz) Caster Sugar
– 113g approx (4oz) Softened Butter
– 170g approx (6oz) Plain Flour
– 1tsp fresh Rosemary leaves (finely cut)
– 1/4tsp Caraway seeds (lightly bruised to release oils)
– zest of half a Lime
– Used a 5cm (diameter) Cookie Cutter
Lime Drizzle

– 5tbsp Icing Sugar
– a little freshly squeezed Lime juice.

[/recipe-ingredients] [recipe-directions]
1. Whisk softened Butter with Sugar, until pale in colour and fluffy in texture.
2. Fold in Rosemary, Caraway and Lime zest.
3. Sieve and fold in Plain Flour to form the dough. Wrap in Kitchen Film and allow to rest in fridge for 10mins.
4. Roll out on a floured board to a thickness of just under 1cm. Cut and place discs onto a Baking Tray lined with Parchment Paper.
5. Bake at 180˙C for 15 minutes or until golden brown.
6. Remove, and place Shortbreads onto a cooling rack. Allow to cool completely prior to drizzling with Lime icing. Optional: decorate with a few leaves of Rosemary.

Rosemary Caraway Shortbread Thins, will keep for a week in an air tight container.


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