Prawn Curry in Chard and Herb Sauce
Ask yourself this question: How do you like your Prawn Curry? Majority of the times, answer will be, “as hot…
Ask yourself this question: How do you like your Prawn Curry? Majority of the times, answer will be, “as hot…
New Blog Recipe: Last Season and New Season crops put together.
Leek & Wild Garlic, Potato Savouries, all #organic and #growyourown on the #allotment
Well, what else could I make, when you have Gin and Tonic staring at you, as if saying: use me,…
That is a fact! For 5 years I had been unsuccessful at getting a harvest more than the my fingers…
Using just a few vegetables you can turn them into a wonderful warming soup, perfect for a cold winter’s day.…
Red Cabbage is popular in pickled form, sadly not a popular vegetable to grow. Like sprouts they taste better after frost.
I love braised Cabbage, but not with a lot of spice, here I use saved own grown herb seeds to flavour the braised Cabbage
Bakes like these, brings out the inner child in me. A fun biscuit to make at this festive time.
Bhajjis or Bhajiya: Why is the humble Bhajiya (or Pakora) known here in UK, as Bhajji; I will never know.…
Now there is one famous pickle, which always accompanies a ploughman’s lunch, Branston Pickle . But I find this pickle…