Caprese Salad
[recipe title=”Caprese Salad” servings=”2″ time=”20mins or less” difficulty=”very easy” image=”” description=”Using seasonal fresh Costoluto Fiorentino tomatoes, an Italian inspired Salad recipe perfect for a hot summer’s day alfresco lunch.”][recipe-ingredients]
– 1 or 2 Costoluto Fiorentino tomatoes (or any other Beafsteak variety, 300g approx) medium sliced or diced
– Fresh Mozzarella (150g approx) sliced or cubed
– Fresh Basil leaves
– Olive Oil (as needed)
– Course Sea Salt (and cracked Black Pepper optional)
[/recipe-ingredients] [recipe-directions]
1. Make Basil Oil: Place 5 to 6 large leaves in a mortar with a little salt and pound with the pestle; slowly adding Oil as the Basil juices are released. ‘Oil consistency’ should not be too runny neither too thick. Optional: add pepper
2. Tear and not cut a few Basil leaves, to mix with the Salad.
3. If sliced lay the alternatively tomato slice with basil leaf, followed by cheese slice.
4. Drizzle generously with Basil Oil.
3. Serve immediately.