Strawberry Season Begins

Something tells me it is going to be a good year for fruit this year. Although we have had the wet winter, which has made crops like seed potatoes planted out late by farmers and gardeners alike.
The no show of frost in the month of May means the flowers on Fruit trees have successfully been pollinated. Months of ‘unwanted’ rain has giving the outdoor strawberry plants a chance to thrive too.
For 3 years I have only grown 1 variety, an Everbearing variety: Mara De Bois. It has been our favourite giving us harvests from June right till the first frosts (around end of October). My nephews and nieces have all enjoyed harvesting and munching this delicious variety.

Last year, I added another variety: Alpine Strawberry. Unlike the Mara de Bois which is a good dessert fruit, Alpine will be for making preserves; Strawberry Jam. The fruit is small but intensely sweet and juicy, perfect to keep whole, perfect for Jams. It is lovely to ‘bite’ into fruit when spreading Jam over morning toast.
Although I started the seed back in January 17. Did not allow the plants (once planted out) to set fruit, kept removing every single flower and if plants decided to send out runners, cut those off too. This harsh treatment has allowed the plants to put on a good root system and this year it is very evident, and with a little tlc of weeding and feeding, should see the fruits of my labour.
My 3rd variety: gifted to me last year is called “Just Add Cream“. The flowers are beautifully deep pink in colour and because it is the only plant I have in this variety I have planted in a large pot and hoping this year to get runners, to increase my stock. I am told these strawberries are extremely sweet. I shall soon find out as they too and flowering and fruiting.

All that remains is to, feed them with Comfrey feed alternating with Liquid seaweed, put straw around all the strawberry varieties and cover with netting.

All I do now is wait for the harvest to roll in; Pimms ? in one hand, strawberries ?? in another; can only mean one thing it’s WIMBLEDON ? season.
Who will join me?
Are you already enjoying your strawberry harvests? Do share your pictures ?
Happy Gardening ??